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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raspberries? (Serving Size, Hazards & More)

Tim Rhodes
Written by Tim Rhodes Last Updated: September 29, 2021

Raspberries are a delicious and healthy treat for humans, but can guinea pigs eat raspberries?

Raspberries contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are necessary for humans.

But not everything good for human health is also good for pets.

Guinea Pig owners all around the world sometimes get confused or concerned about feeding their pets raspberries.

Guinea Pigs seem to be delighted when they’re offered raspberries, and they sound happy while eating them.

But are raspberries safe for guinea pigs?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raspberries?

Yes, you can feed raspberries to your guinea pig.

Juicy raspberries are a tasty fruit that contains vitamin C and fiber, which are essential nutrients for guinea pigs and should be a part of their daily dietary needs.

On the other hand, the sweet taste of this fruit confirms that it contains too much sugar and some minerals that are not good for your guinea pig pet’s health.

For that reason, you should always stick to the recommended serving size and never feed your guinea pigs with too many raspberries.

However, before we explore whether raspberries are safe for guinea pigs and how much of this fruit your pet can eat, let’s see how guinea pigs became a part of our lives.

Where Do Guinea Pigs Come From?

Although the name suggests otherwise, guinea pigs are not related to pigs, nor were they evolved from them.

Also, they are not native to Guinea.

Guinea pigs (scientific name- Cavia porcellus) originated from the Andes of South America.

They descended from another small rodent named Cavia cutleri.

Their domestication began around 5000 BCE, and inhabitants of the Andes region initiated the process.

Initially, guinea pigs were kept for food.

The indigenous people also used them for diagnosing illness and medicinal purposes.

Guinea pigs were mainly raised as a dietary staple up until the Europeans reached America.

European travelers brought guinea pigs along with them to Europe in the 16th century.

In Europe, they were viewed as exotic animals and something that’s not for consumption.

Thus began the journey of guinea pigs as pets.

Since then, different breeds of guinea pigs have been brought to life by selective breeding.

Nowadays, we can find guinea pigs on every one of the continents.

Parallel to being considered a pet, guinea pigs are useful for scientific and medical experiments.

Because of their closeness to human physiology and their timid nature, guinea pigs have always been preferred as an animal that’s ideal for biological experiments.

Now, let’s look at the dietary needs of a guinea pig.

What Are the Dietary Needs Of a Guinea Pig?

Guinea pigs are not found in the wild, they are a completely domesticated species.

Although home-grown guinea pigs don’t have any wild counterparts, their dietary habits are similar to their distant cousins living in the wild.

Interestingly, guinea pigs don’t need a lot of fruits and vegetables despite being strict herbivores.

Let’s take a look at what they need in their everyday foods to survive:

  • The important part of a guinea pig’s diet is fresh grass, which should always be available for them
  • Guinea pig needs a lot of fiber in their diet, so feeding them fresh food that provides a large amount of fiber might be your pet’s best interest
  • Guinea pigs need a minimum of 100 ml of fresh and clean water every day, without which they might get sick
  • They constantly need a good deal of grass/vegetables to keep their digestive system running
  • You can feed commercial pellets made from fresh grass to your guinea pig, especially the baby guinea pigs
  • Guinea pig is a special kind of rodent that needs a daily dose of Vitamin C, so ensuring the presence of foods in their daily diet that contain a high level of Vitamin C is a must
  • Guinea pigs also require a good portion of Vitamin A from their daily diet
  • Occasionally, you can feed them little pieces of apple or strawberries, but not much

What Type of Food My Guinea Pig Shouldn’t Eat?

It is vital to know which foods are toxic for guinea pigs; otherwise, their diet might make them ill or even become fatal.

You must also know the specific foods that are required at different stages of a guinea pig’s life.

Here are some of the things you shouldn’t do:

  • Please do not feed your guinea pig foods that are poisonous for them, such as tomato leaves, daffodils, tulips, potato tops, buttercups, poppies, or rhubarb leaves
  • To avoid urinary problems, you should steer clear of dry foods containing large amounts of calcium
  • You should avoid giving them grains and cereals; you should avoid seed, corn, and peas too
  • Guinea pigs should not eat exotic foods such as; mushrooms, avocado, and onions
  • You need to keep your guinea pig away from processed human foods absolutely, like chocolate, bread, chips, crackers, dairy products, sugar, pasta, or sweets
  • Guinea pigs are herbivores, so you should never offer them meat or insects
  • You should never change your guinea pig’s food suddenly

What Is the Nutritional Value of Raspberries?

According to the U.S Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of raspberries can provide you with 52 kcal of energy.

It also provides many dietary supplements that are necessary for both humans and guinea pigs alike:

Vitamin C

Raspberry is ripe with Vitamin C, which is a crucial nutrient of diet.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is essential for animals.

100 grams of raspberries contain 26.2 mg of Vitamin C, which is a high number.

Vitamin C is essential for developing and growing your pet’s body and repairing body tissues.

Vitamin C is also responsible for forming collagen and absorbing iron in our bodies.


Fiber is the prerequisite of a good digestive system and a highly beneficial diet element.

100 grams of raspberries provide 6.5 grams of dietary fiber, which is a very high number for a fruit.

Dietary fiber lends a helping hand to control our blood sugar levels.

The required amount of fiber also helps our body to keep cholesterol levels in check.


Sugar is the energy source of our bodily functions.

100 grams of raspberries provide 4.42 grams of sugar, which is more than a teaspoon of sugar.

Sugar provides easily available and ready-to-use energy to our bodies.

But large amounts of sugar can cause different long-term diseases and eventual organ failure.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is another mandatory element of our diet.

Raspberries have a small trace of Vitamin A.

Vitamin A prompts the growth and development of the animal body.

It also helps build our vision as our eyes cannot function without it.


Protein is the building block of an animal body and one of the three necessary macronutrients.

You will get 1.2 grams of protein from 100 grams of raspberries.

Proteins are essentially just long chains of amino acids which are responsible for most of the bodily functions and reactions.

Proteins perform such a large array of work in our body that one cannot stress this nutrient’s importance enough.


Fat is another one of the three necessary macronutrients.

Raspberries contain very little fat.

100 grams of raspberries hold only 0.65 grams of lipid or fat.


Calcium is one of the necessary minerals which is required a lot.

100 grams of raspberries hold 25 mg of calcium.

Calcium helps the formation of our bones and tissues.


Magnesium is another trace mineral that needs to be taken from food.

100 grams of raspberries contain 22 mg of magnesium.

Magnesium is essential in preventing Type-2 diabetes.

It also keeps the muscle healthy and pain-free.


Potassium is one of the most important minerals an animal body requires.

100 grams of raspberries provides 151 mg of potassium, which is a lot more than other kinds of berries.

Potassium is essential for brain function.

It also gives protection against kidney stones and sudden stroke.

Potassium also helps to prevent strokes.


Iron is one of the most important minerals for animals.

100 grams of raspberries can provide 0.69 grams of iron.

Iron is essential for healthy blood as it is a component of hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to our cells.

Iron deficiency can severely damage the body’s ability to carry blood to the cellular level.

The volume of iron in raspberries is not small compared to other fruits such as bananas or apples.


Sodium is another essential mineral for our body.

Sodium is crucial for the function of guinea pigs’ brains as neurons cannot function without sodium.

100 grams of raspberries provide 1 mg of sodium.

What Are the Benefits of Feeding Raspberries to Guinea Pigs?

When guinea pigs eat raspberries, they will consume good amounts of vitamin C, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants.

So, naturally, there’s a benefit of feeding them raspberries.

Let’s discuss some of the perks of guinea pigs having raspberries.

Prevention of Scurvy

Every adult guinea pig requires to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C.

A guinea pig’s body cannot produce vitamin C naturally, just like humans.

So, they need to take at least 20-30 mg of Vitamin C for every pound of their body.

Scurvy is a fatal disease for humans, as well as guinea pigs.

Vitamin C prevents scurvy and other health complications of guinea pigs.

Vitamin C works as an antidote to scurvy and other complications related to connective tissues.

Healthy Heart

According to the studies of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, raspberries are good for the health of your heart as well as guinea pigs.

Raspberry helps to reduce the blood pressure of a guinea pig, which lowers the risk of a sudden heart attack.

It improves the overall blood circulation system of your pet’s body.


Raspberries contain a good amount of water, which is essential for guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs require a large quantity of fresh and clean water.

Raspberries can fulfill some of their daily requirements of water.

Hydrated guinea pigs stay healthy and active during summer days.

Water is vital to prevent heat strokes in our little guinea pigs.

Fighting Disease

Raspberries contain a fair amount of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are responsible for repairing our cells and tissues.

Antioxidants improve the overall health of guinea pigs and fight off disease.

Healthy Blood

A moderate amount of raspberries can keep your guinea pig’s blood healthy.

The minerals in raspberry are responsible for doing this good deed.

Potassium, iron, and copper found in raspberries prevent high blood pressure in a guinea pig.

High blood pressure can lead to a very difficult and uncomfortable life for your guinea pigs.

A certain kind of fungus is also found in raspberries, which prevents inflammation in the blood vessel.

All of these nutrients together lowers the chance of a heart attack in your favorite pet.

Preventing Cancer

Guinea pigs can develop cancer in their lifetime, just like many other animals.

Nutrients in raspberry, especially antioxidants, can prevent potentially deadly diseases like cancer.

Antioxidants can fight against tumors, which prevents cancer in the long run.

So, raspberries can inhibit cancer cells even before they turn into malignant cells.

Healthy Gut

Raspberries are full of necessary fiber, and there is lots of fiber in a small number of raspberries.

Guinea pigs require a great deal of fiber in their daily dietary staple.

Fiber keeps the digestion systems healthy and prevents any gut-related problems in guinea pigs.

What Are the Risks of Feeding Raspberries to Guinea Pigs?

Obviously, raspberries have a beneficial impact on your guinea pig’s health.

However, if you overfeed them, it is possible they will develop certain health problems.

Let’s check out what can happen if guinea pigs eat raspberries more often than advised.

Urinary Problems

Calcium, an element found in raspberries, can pose some threat to guinea pigs.

Calcium is vital for guinea pigs when they’re growing up as it helps to build their bones.

But adult guinea pigs don’t need much calcium.

If guinea pigs eat a large number of raspberries, they can accumulate unnecessary quantities of calcium.

Excessive calcium can lead to guinea pigs’ urinary problems, such as urinary stones and urinary tract infections.

Digestion Pain

Raspberries have a lot of fiber and sugar in them.

The combination of these two nutrients can be bad for the digestive system of your guinea pig.

Therefore, too many raspberries can cause gastrointestinal pain, cramps, and gas.


Large amounts of daily sugar intake can lead to a disease called Hypoglycemia.

When you suffer from hypoglycemia, your blood sugar level drops significantly and dives down more than usual.

Hypoglycemia could cause severe weight loss and related health.

Your guinea pig could also face those consequences if you feed it an excessive amount of sugar-containing food such as raspberries.


Although this is not very common, diabetes has been found among guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs can develop diabetes, just like humans, by intaking large amounts of sugary foods.

While feeding excessive raspberries to a guinea pig, you need to keep in mind the fact that it can raise your pet’s sugar level.

Daily intake of raspberries can eventually cause your pet to develop diabetes.

Weight Gain

Like humans, guinea pigs could gain weight if you feed them foods that have huge amounts of carbs and sugar regularly.

There’s a small chance that raspberries can contribute to gaining weight to guinea pigs if they’re not regulated.

You might find it cute when your guinea pig becomes chubby, but the overweight might eventually kill them quickly.


All around the world, farmers use pesticides to grow their crops and fruits, and raspberry is one of them.

Pesticides are equally harmful to humans and guinea pigs.

According to EWG, raspberries are on the list of fruits that could contain large amounts of pesticides.

Regular intake of pesticides through foods could cause cancer in guinea pigs.

So, it is critical to ensure that the raspberries you are feeding your pet guinea pig are free of any kind of pesticides.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raspberries Daily?

You can feed your guinea pig one or two raspberries per serving, which is the recommended limit for healthy guinea pigs.

It would be best to occasionally serve these berries to your cavy as a treat, not as a part of a daily diet.

The key to a healthy guinea pigs diet is balance.

Vary the fruits and vegetables you are giving to your pet.

Therefore, serve one guinea pig raspberries only two times a week, and never more than one to two raspberries at a time.

Also, make sure that your guinea pigs are eating lots of hay and a limited amount of raw fresh green vegetables.

Do not feed your guinea pig any raspberry if it’s suffering from any illness.

Can a Baby Guinea Pig Eat Raspberries?

You should never serve raspberry to your baby guinea pig, as it can be harmful to their health.

Guinea pigs can eat solid food quickly after they are born, but their main diet should include their mother’s milk and alfalfa hay.

How Often Can a Guinea Pig Eat Raspberries?

Although there are health benefits of eating raw raspberries, you should not consider them as a daily dietary staple of a guinea pig.

You can serve your guinea pig raspberries two times a week, without having to worry about their health.

You have to keep in mind that moderation and variety is the key to your pet’s health.

Do not serve these berries to your guinea pig on consecutive days.

How Many Raspberries Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Many guinea pigs eat raspberries with great delight and can eat more than they should.

For that reason, limit the number to one or two raspberries per serving and never feed raspberries to your guinea pigs more than two times a week.

Your guinea pigs need other fruits as well to keep their diet healthy and balanced.

Can Guinea Pig Eat Frozen Raspberries?

Guinea pigs should not eat frozen raspberries.

Frozen foods mostly contain added sugar, which makes them harmful to your guinea pig’s digestive system.

Also, most frozen foods, including frozen raspberries, are processed, so they are not safe for your pet.

Nonetheless, your guinea pigs can eat frozen raspberries (and other frozen fruits) only if you have frozen them without any processing beforehand.

So, if you are sure that raspberries weren’t processed, and you’ve defrosted them at room temperature, you can give a raspberry to your little pet.

Anyway, we recommend you serve only fresh and raw raspberries to your little rodent.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Raspberries?

You should not let your guinea pigs eat dried raspberries as dried fruits contain too much sugar.

Besides, guinea pigs are herbivores that need a varied diet, which consists of unlimited amounts of hay, fresh fruits, and raw fresh vegetables that have nutritional benefits to your little pet.

Your guinea pigs should only eat fresh and raw fruits and vegetables, so fresh raspberries are the only option for your pet.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raspberry Leaves?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat raspberry leaves without any problem.

Raspberry leaves don’t contain any harmful elements for guinea pigs.

But it would be best if you made sure that raspberry leaves are free from any pesticides, so wash them thoroughly before giving them to your pet.

What Are the Alternatives to Raspberries?

After knowing some of the complications it can cause, many of you might hesitate to give your guinea pig a raspberry.

But, you want those nutrients in your guinea pig’s diet.

Then, what should feed?

Here’s a list of all the alternatives you can give to your favorite rodent:

  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber
  • Green beans
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Arugula
  • Carrot
  • Cabbage
  • Sweet potato
  • Butter lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Zucchini
  • Artichoke
  • Parsley
  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Beet tops
  • Cilantro
  • Endive
  • Carrot tops
  • Romaine
  • Mint
  • Broccolini
  • Buttercrunch lettuce
  • rocket
  • Escarole
  • Bibb lettuce
  • Parsnip
  • Watercress
  • Swiss chard
  • Summer squash
  • Basil
  • Tomato
  • Bok choy
  • Winter squash
  • Yu Choy
  • Bell pepper

How To Feed Raspberries To a Guinea Pig?

Here are some tips on how to prepare and feed raspberries to your guinea pig.

  • Always give a ripe raspberry to your rodent
  • To make sure it’s ripe, only pick the bright colored raspberries
  • Before serving it to your guinea pig, wash the raspberry thoroughly as dirt can cause digestion problems
  • After washing the raspberry, cut it into small pieces
  • Don’t serve a whole raspberry to a guinea pig, as a whole raspberry presents a choking hazard

Final Thoughts

Can guinea pigs eat raspberries?

Raspberries contain many nutrients necessary for your guinea pig’s health.

Thus, when guinea pigs eat raspberries, they get a good amount of Vitamin C, fiber, and minerals, which are all beneficial for your pet and should be a part of a healthy guinea pigs diet.

However, too many raspberries can cause health problems in guinea pigs.

For that reason, serve your guinea pig raspberries only two times a week and never exceed the recommended amount of one to two fresh raspberries.

Also, never feed your guinea pigs dried or frozen raspberries.

Both dried and frozen foods are processed, which is harmful to your guinea pig’s digestive system.

Your guinea pig needs unlimited amounts of hay, fresh fruits, and raw fresh vegetables that have nutritional benefits to your little pet.


Tim Rhodes
Tim Rhodes

Hi there! My name is Tim Rhodes and I'm a guinea pig enthusiast through thick and thin. My mission is to teach others useful tips and tricks about these cute creatures. When I'm not writing, I enjoy kickboxing and work as an animal trainer.

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