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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Rind? [Is It Safe for Them?]

Tim Rhodes
Written by Tim Rhodes Last Updated: May 29, 2022

Can guinea pigs eat watermelons? Watermelons are a great and refreshing treat during the hot summer months. They are an excellent source of nutrients and water. Can guinea pigs eat watermelon rind? Can they eat watermelon flesh? And what about the seeds? Let’s check it out.

Watermelon is okay for guinea pigs to eat in small amounts. Two to three bite-sized pieces of the watermelon once or twice a week should be enough for your guinea pig. Watermelon rind is a much better option for your guinea pig pet than the fleshy part of the fruit.

People who are trying to lose weight or keep their weight at a healthy level can benefit from eating watermelons as a snack because they are low in calories and contain no fat.

However, feeding guinea pigs watermelon in excess can create many health issues.

Guinea pigs have trouble digesting sugar, so they should avoid eating sugary foods like juicy watermelon.

Yet, guinea pigs can eat the rind of the watermelon, which doesn’t contain as much sugar.

Keep your guinea pig’s diet balanced in nutrients.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Rind?

red watermelon slicesGuinea pigs can eat both the rind and the flesh of a watermelon. The hard skin of a watermelon is much better for your guinea pig than the fleshy part of the fruit, which is mostly water and sugar.

Watermelon rind has enzymes that help digestion. It also contains potassium, zinc, vitamin A, and iodine.

Most pet owners will say that their guinea pigs love to eat watermelon rind. Also, many guinea pig owners have noticed that some of their furry friends like rind much more than watermelon flesh.

Therefore, wash the watermelon well before cutting it up.

Why Is Watermelon Rind Better Than Watermelon Flesh?

The rind of watermelon has a substantially lower concentration of sugar, so it’s a much better option for your guinea pig pets compared to the fleshy part of the fruit.

All you need to do is to wash it thoroughly and cut it into easily manageable pieces.

Eliminate all the seeds from the surface. Even though the seeds are primarily in the pink, fleshy part of the fruit, some of them may end up on the rind. Just like all other seeds, watermelon seeds are a choking hazard to your guinea pig. 

Why Is Watermelon Good for Guinea Pigs?

watermelon cut into tranglesTo maintain their health, guinea pigs require a nutritious and balanced diet, as they cannot digest all fruits and vegetables.

Guinea pigs can enjoy only fresh and seedless watermelon in moderation as a nutritious and tasty treat. Two to three bite-sized cubes once or twice per week are safe for guinea pigs. 

This is the recommended serving size. Because of its high sugar and water content, eating too much watermelon can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea and obesity.

However, when eaten in moderate amounts, it protects against scurvy, strengthens the immune system, and contributes to the development of strong bones and teeth.

Lycopene is an antioxidant that can be found in watermelons and has a variety of health benefits, including a lower risk of developing heart disease and cancer.

Because watermelons are low in calories and a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, guinea pigs can consume a decent amount of watermelon without becoming overweight.

Besides vitamin C, A, and B6, watermelon is an excellent source of potassium, phosphorus, and calcium.

These nutrients are necessary for the body to operate normally. 

The high fiber content of watermelon is yet another reason you should feed it to your pet, albeit only occasionally and in limited quantities.

The rind of watermelon and the flesh itself are both beneficial to the health of guinea pigs. Because the fleshy part of the watermelon contains a lot of sugar and water, the watermelon’s tough skin is a much better option for your guinea pig to eat than the flesh.

Your guinea pig’s health may suffer if fed an excessive amount of watermelon.

Why Is Watermelon Bad for Guinea Pigs?

frozen watermelon in a cupGuinea pigs may experience diarrhea and other digestive issues if they consume too much watery fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and cucumbers.

Therefore, there are a few health benefits that come from feeding watermelon to your guinea pig, but your furry friend should only eat a small amount of it at a time.

Always serve your pet only bite-sized cubes, two to three cubes every three to four days, or one tiny cube every day.

Feeding your guinea pig an excessive amount of fruits and vegetables can be harmful to their health.

The rind has digestive enzymes and contains potassium, zinc, vitamin A, and iodine. Watermelon rinds are a good source of iodine.

Many people who keep pets will attest to the fact that their guinea pigs eat the rind of watermelons and are completely obsessed with the treat.

Now, let’s find out whether guinea pigs can drink watermelon juice. 

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Watermelon Juice?

watermelon juiceUnder no circumstances should you give watermelon juice to your guinea pig. It is not a good way to keep a guinea pig hydrated.

Only pure and fresh water is what you need to keep your guinea pig’s body hydrated and healthy.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Seeds?

Even though watermelon seeds are not poisonous and will not make your guinea pigs sick, they shouldn’t eat any seeds.

Never give your guinea pigs watermelon seeds or any other seed because they can choke on them.

Guinea pigs can only eat the fleshy parts of fruits and vegetables, and sometimes the rind or skin, so always take out the seeds.

So, take out all the seeds from the watermelon before giving it to your guinea pigs.

Make sure that the watermelon cube you give your guinea pigs has no seeds left in it.

You can also buy watermelon without the watermelon slices with seeds

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Leaves?

Guinea pigs should not eat watermelon leaves, seeds, vines, and roots of the watermelon.

Watermelon leaves are poisonous to guinea pigs.

Therefore, don’t let your guinea pigs eat leaves, stems, roots, and seeds. These are all bad for your guinea pig’s health, but the flesh and the rind are safe.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Vines?

The only parts of the watermelon that you can safely give to your guinea pigs are watermelon flesh and watermelon rind.

Therefore, never give watermelon vines to your guinea pig.

Although the juicy flesh is sweet and tasty, watermelon rind is a better option for your furry friends because it doesn’t contain as much sugar, but it is nutrient and beneficial for your pets.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Flesh and Rind?

yellow-watermelonBoth the watermelon flesh and the rind are safe for your baby guinea pigs to eat in moderation.

Don’t forget that young guinea pigs need more nutrients such as calcium, so plan your pet’s diet accordingly. 

Also, don’t overfeed them with sugary fruits and vegetables. They should be served only as an occasional treat. 

How To Prepare Watermelon for Guinea Pigs?

It is easy to give your guinea pig watermelon. The only things you will need are a cutting board and a kitchen knife.

Put the fresh watermelon on the cutting board, cut it open, and take out the seeds, which could cause your guinea pig to choke.

When you give your guinea pigs watermelon to eat, it is best to give them one that does not have seeds.

Guinea pigs only eat small amounts of watermelon, so cut it into small cubes.guinea pig with watermelon slices

Even though you would only eat the red, juicy flesh of a watermelon, you can feed your guinea pigs the watermelon skin.

So you can use the rind of the watermelon and leave only a thin layer of the sweet red flesh.

Keep the cut watermelon in a bag with a tight seal.

Final Thoughts

Guinea pig pellets and fiber in hay should make up the bulk of your guinea pig’s diet because they deliver the optimal balance of nutrients that your pet requires daily.

Every day, guinea pigs should consume an amount equal to between one-fourth and one-half of a cup’s worth of a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Never give the same foods to your pet daily, even if they are on the list of acceptable foods for your guinea pig.

Instead, each day give your guinea pigs a variety of fresh fruits as sweet treats and vegetables. Keep your guinea pig’s diet balanced in nutrients. 

Not all guinea pigs will gladly eat all fruits and vegetables that are safe for them, so be patient with your piggies until you learn which food they prefer.


Tim Rhodes
Tim Rhodes

Hi there! My name is Tim Rhodes and I'm a guinea pig enthusiast through thick and thin. My mission is to teach others useful tips and tricks about these cute creatures. When I'm not writing, I enjoy kickboxing and work as an animal trainer.

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