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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe? (Serving Size, Hazards & More)

Tim Rhodes
Written by Tim Rhodes Last Updated: October 7, 2021

Pet parents are always on the lookout for foods to add variety to their furry friends’ diet, and often wonder whether a particular food is good for them or not, like, can guinea pigs eat cantaloupe?

A Guinea pig is a type of pocket pet that belongs to the cavy family of animals and a species of rodent.

They are usually of small size and grow to a maximum size of 10-11 inches long.

They weigh up to 2.5 pounds.

The average life of a guinea pig is about 8-9 years.

They were originally domesticated as livestock, for a source of meat, and continue to be consumed as food.

Guinea pigs have been widely used in biological experiments and for research purposes since the 17th century.

Every new guinea pig owner needs to know some of the basic facts related to guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe?

Guinea pigs require special nutrition and if you’ve ever wondered if you can feed your guinea pig cantaloupe, continue reading to find out if that’s a safe thing to do.

What is a Cantaloupe?

The cantaloupe is a variety of muskmelon species that belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae and is grown all over the world.

It can be distinguished from other varieties of melon by its pale green rough skin and light yellow flesh.

It is a sweet, juicy, and refreshing summer fruit, also known as sweet melon, rockmelon, or spanspek.

This fruit is very delicious, nutritious, and beneficial for health.

It contains 90% water and a lot of Vitamins (vitamin C and provitamin A), minerals, fibers, and antioxidants.

When it comes to the care of guinea pigs, you must know their needs and requirements.

You can feed your guinea pigs with a variety of foods to eat like fruits, vegetables, and even cantaloupes.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat cantaloupe melon, but in a moderate amount.

The reason why you should include this fruit into your furry pet’s diet is that it is highly rich in vitamin C.

This vitamin is a very important nutrient which your guinea pigs’ body requires, because like humans these rodents are also unable to produce vitamin C on their own.

Thus, there’s no reason which stops you from feeding your guinea pig with a slice of juicy cantaloupe, as long as you feed them with a fresh and moderate portion.

A small number of little cubes of cantaloupe will be enough for your guinea pig once or twice a week.

Remember, don’t feed him more than two portions in a week, as it contains sizable amounts of sugar, which in excess presents harmful effects.

It contains quite a high amount of Vitamin-C, Vitamin-A, and a small number of fibers and antioxidants, so the right amount of cantaloupe can be beneficial for your guinea pigs.

If you make it a part of their daily diet, the cantaloupe melon can contribute to diabetes and obesity in your guinea pigs as it contains quite high sugar content.

Cantaloupe melon has several benefits; it contains a high content of vitamin C, which is essential for the proper growth and development of your guinea pig.

Cantaloupe contains an adequate amount of water to keep your guinea pig’s body hydrated.

It also contains vitamin A which is important to boost the immune system and promote tissue growth.

So, guinea pigs must eat a moderate amount of cantaloupe melon to develop a healthy digestive system.

The melon also contains fiber content which is also very important for a healthy digestive system.

What Is a Healthy Guinea Pig Diet?

There are certain things they shouldn’t eat, and lots of things they should have in abundance.

A healthy diet for your guinea pigs must have a complex balance of different nutrients like; calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium along with an adequate amount of vitamins A, C, D, and E.

Remember one thing on the “good” list is hay, so give your guinea pig all the fresh hay they can eat, in addition to food pellets which are often based on timothy hay.

Most importantly, make sure that your guinea pig always has access to clean, fresh water, rinse and refill their drinking bottle every single day.

To keep your guinea pigs happy and healthy you must take care of their diet.

It’s always important to learn what your pet can and can’t eat.

  • Timothy hay should be the main part of their food
  • About 10% of their diet can comprise vegetables and fruits
  • Guinea pigs need 30-50 mg of Vitamin-C daily, either from their food, vitamin supplements or from fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C content
  • Their diet should contain low fat and sugar content
  • Clean and fresh water

What Are the Nutrients in Cantaloupe?

For a guinea pig owner to keep his pets healthy and happy he must know the needs and requirements of his pets, what diet they require to grow properly and healthy, and which nutrient content their diet must contain.

So if you want to feed your guinea pig with cantaloupe, you must be aware of its nutrient content.

Cantaloupe contain following nutrients:

  • Vitamin C: 36.7 mg/ 100 g
  • Vitamin A: 3382 IU
  • Folate: 21µg/ 100 g
  • Calcium: 9 mg/ 100 g
  • Phosphorous: 15 mg/ 100 g
  • Potassium: 267 mg/ 100 g
  • Fiber: 0.9 g/ 100 g
  • Sugar: 7.86 g/ 100 g
  • Protein: 0.84 g/ 100 g
  • Carbs: 8.16 g/ 100 g
  • Fats: 0.19 g/ 100 g
  • Water: 90.15 g/ 100 g

Some of the major nutrients in cantaloupe include the following:

Vitamin C

Cantaloupe is a fruit rich in Vitamin C, which:

  • reduces the risk of scurvy
  • boosts the immune system
  • helps in fighting different diseases
  • promotes overall body growth and development
  • helps the body in the absorption of iron and other nutrients

Vitamin A

Cantaloupe also contains Vitamin A, which is also very important for the growth of the body.

It helps to promote tissue growth, develop good eyesight, and production of lots of hormones important for the body.


Folate (B-vitamin) is also present in cantaloupe, which helps in the quick recovery of wounds, formation of blood cells, and converting carbohydrates into energy.

Phosphorous, Calcium, and Potassium

Guinea pigs need Phosphorus, calcium, and Potassium for a lot of functions.

Phosphorus is essential to the body for the absorption of several nutrients, like fats and proteins.

Calcium is necessary for the growth and development of bones, teeth, and tissues.

Potassium is important for the retention of water, thus preventing the risks of dehydration and stone formation.


Cantaloupe also contains a small amount of fiber which is good for their digestive health, it promotes gastrointestinal motility and prevents the problems of constipation.


Cantaloupe also contains antioxidants that prevent cellular damage in the body.

Cellular damage causes cancer and other health issues, so antioxidants are very important in the prevention and repair of cellular damage.

Antioxidants also prevent the risk of a heart attack.

Cantaloupe is an ideal source of vitamin C

Cantaloupe is an ideal source of vitamin C, which makes it great for your furry pet to chew on.

Like humans (but unlike other rodents), guinea pigs cannot synthesize their vitamin C so they must fulfill their need for Vitamin C from food.

A sufficient vitamin C intake will help your little friend fight various infections and diseases, additionally, vitamin C contributes to maintaining your cavy’s overall health.

In addition, if your furry buddy’s diet is filled with vitamin C, it ensures that your piggy won’t develop a health condition known as scurvy, this is pretty common among guinea pigs that present vitamin C insufficiency.

Guinea pigs require about 10 mg of vitamin C daily (20 mg if pregnant).

This can be obtained through fruits and vegetables (such as apple, broccoli, carrot, cabbage, spinach, and celery) or through eating pellets, specially designed for guinea pigs, or through dietary supplements.

Cantaloupe is a fruit rich in Vitamin C.

1 cup of fresh cubes cantaloupe contains 78 % of vitamin C.

Cantaloupe Offers Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory Support

Besides being rich in vitamin C, cantaloupe is an excellent source of powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

The wide range of effective phytonutrients found in cantaloupe can genuinely contribute to deterring oxidative stress from presenting a negative impact on the body’s health while at the same time preventing various inflammatory infections from occurring.

There is clear evidence pointing that cantaloupe consumption genuinely grows the body’s protection against oxidative stress and mild to severe forms of inflammation.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat All Edible Parts of Cantaloupe?

A cantaloupe melon has three edible parts:

  • Rind (skin/peel)
  • Flesh
  • Seeds

A guineas pig will happily eat all these three components, if offered, but should it?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe Seeds?

Cantaloupe seeds don’t contain any harmful content for guinea pigs.

But these seeds are slippery and slimy and are of the right size to get logged in guinea pig’s small esophagus.

According to some studies, it is also claimed that the cantaloupe seeds contain some traces of cyanide that can be fatal for your guinea pigs.

So make sure to remove the seeds before serving the fruit to your guinea pig.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe Rind?

Although the cantaloupe rind/ skin is rich in fiber, it has a hard and rough texture and it can be difficult for your guinea pigs to chew and digest it.

Thus, it can lead to indigestion, diarrhea, bloating and some other digestive issues in your guinea pigs.

The rind may also contain many harmful chemicals like pesticides which were used while producing and harvesting cantaloupes.

Although you thoroughly wash or scrub the skin, however, some traces of these harmful chemicals will remain on it.

So, it is best to not feed your guinea pigs the cantaloupe rind.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe Flesh?

It is only recommended to give a few small pieces of cantaloupe flesh to a guinea pig as an occasional treat, once or twice a week maximum.

Because it contains higher phosphorus than calcium which can contribute to the formation of kidney and bladder stones, and cause blockages in the urinary tract.

If there is a higher content of phosphorus than calcium, it binds to it to form hard deposits.

These deposits are collected in a guinea pig’s kidneys, from where they can travel to its bladder and cause blockages in the urinary tract, necessitating risky surgery.

This doesn’t happen if you serve your guinea pig this fruit occasionally but can quickly occur if they are eaten daily.

So, avoid feeding cantaloupe to guinea pigs daily.

How Many Cantaloupes Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Remember that if you are an owner of a guinea pig then you are responsible for the guinea pig’s health, so always provide your guinea pig with a balanced and healthy diet.

Keep in mind that a guinea pig’s diet should be based on fresh grass, high-quality timothy hay, and fresh water.

Cantaloupe, like all other fruits and vegetables, can be only an addition to your guinea pig’s diet.

The guinea pigs need food that is rich in vitamin C, so the cantaloupe melon can fulfill their need.

But keep in mind you should avoid feeding cantaloupe to your guinea pig daily.

Cantaloupe should be considered a snack in the guinea pig diet.

As small amounts of cantaloupes are harmless and might even pose many benefits.

If you feed your guinea pig the excess amount of cantaloupe it can risk your guinea pig’s health, like diarrhea, gas, blotting, or any other digestive problems.

A small amount of cantaloupe once or twice a week is good for your guinea pig.

Always remember that these melons should never be the primary food for your guinea pig, as these are more like a treat or snack so, they should be served sparsely.

It is recommended to start feeding your guinea pig with a very small quantity of cantaloupe and observe the reaction.

Spend several hours checking up on your piggy to make sure that there are no complications.

If it doesn’t cause any side effects, you can keep feeding cantaloupe to your guinea pig on an occasional basis.

But if your guinea pig seems lethargic or shows signs of discomfort, cantaloupe might not agree with them.

The serving size also depends upon the guinea pig’s age, diet, and various other factors.

How to Prepare Cantaloupe for Guinea Pigs?

It’s very easy to prepare cantaloupe for your guinea pigs by following steps:

  • First, choose a fresh cantaloupe with creamy, light yellow, or orange color having no green spots
  • Second, wash the fruit properly
  • Third, remove the skin and seeds from the fruit before serving it to your guinea pigs
  • Fourth, slice the cantaloupe into small pieces, put it into a food bowl, and serve to your guinea pigs
  • Remove uneaten pieces of fruit from the cage as it can attract the rats and flies, which can threaten your guinea pigs

The pros and cons of giving guinea pigs cantaloupe melon

Although cantaloupe seems to be healthy and a low-calorie fruit, for a guinea pig it contains a high sugar content.

We are about to show you the negative and positive aspects of feeding guinea pigs with cantaloupe.

Is Cantaloupe Good for Guinea Pigs?

Yes, cantaloupe is good for guinea pigs if served correctly.

It is very beneficial for your guinea pig in many ways, like:

Prevention of scurvy

Cantaloupe contains high amounts of Vitamin C which are essential for guinea pigs as they can’t produce it in their body.

Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy and other diseases in guinea pigs.

Thus, make sure to provide your guinea pigs Vitamin C-rich diet.

Boosts immune system

Cantaloupe also contains some minerals along with a high amount of Vitamins which develop which boost the immune system of guinea pigs, and they will become more resistant to diseases and thus will stay healthy.

Proper growth

Cantaloupes also contain Vitamin A and some other nutrients, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body organs, the formation of healthy tissues, and proper growth and development of the body.

Keeping the body hydrated

Cantaloupe contains a high content of water it which can help in keeping their body well hydrated.

Digestive health

Cantaloupe also contains a small amount of fiber which is good for their digestive health and prevents the problems of constipation.

Is Cantaloupe Bad for Guinea Pigs?

No, cantaloupe is not bad for guinea pigs if you served rightly.

Anything in excess is bad for health.

Remember that if you feed these little buddies an excess amount of cantaloupe melon, it can cause different side effects like an upset stomach with gas, diarrhea, and bloating.

If you feed your guinea pig with a moderate amount of cantaloupe, they will have no problem with it.

However, serving the excess amount of cantaloupe will have some risks:

Obesity & Diabetes

Cantaloupe naturally contains a high amount of sugar.

A diet with high sugar content in it can lead to diabetes and obesity in your guinea pigs.


if you serve guinea pigs with an excessive quantity of cantaloupe they can suffer from severe diarrhea, as they have a very sensitive digestive system.

So, if you see the signs of diarrhea, stop serving cantaloupe to your guinea pigs.


Cantaloupe is alkaline.

If u feed your guinea pigs with an excessive alkaline diet for a long period it can lead to bloating.

Kidney stones

As cantaloupes contain a high amount of phosphorus which can contribute to the formation of kidney and bladder stones, and cause blockages in the urinary tract.

What Are the Alternatives to Cantaloupe for Guinea Pigs?

Fruits are very necessary for guinea pigs to fulfill their demand for vitamin A and C.

Some fruits also contain fibers that are good for their digestive health.

Poor diets for guinea pigs have been associated with several diseases like; difficulties with pregnancy, metastatic calcification, muscular dystrophy, vitamin deficiencies, and teeth problems.

When it comes to fruits and vegetables the owner must know which fruit and vegetable is and is not appropriate for his pet to consume.

So, the ideal fruits for guinea pigs are those which contain:

  • Low sugar
  • High vitamin A and C
  • High fiber
  • Lower phosphorus content than calcium

As most fruits contain more amount of phosphorus than calcium so:

  • Don’t serve your guinea pig any fruit daily
  • Serve your guinea pig a small portion of fruit maximally one or two times a week

Guinea pigs can eat some alternative fruits like:

  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Mango
  • Grapes
  • Apricot
  • Melon
  • Pear
  • Peach
  • Pineapple
  • Cherries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Cranberries
  • Kiwi
  • Nectarine
  • Papaya

From above, raspberries and strawberries contain the lowest amount of sugar, so they are the best choice for your guinea pigs.

Final Thoughts

You can feed your guinea pig with cantaloupe melon, as it’s not a harmful fruit, but it should be served in a moderate quantity.

Don’t feed your guinea pigs with cantaloupe more than 1-2 times a week, as it can result in different diseases in your pet.

Cantaloupe is a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate, fibers, minerals, and a lot of other essential nutrients.

If you feed your guinea pigs with an excess quantity of cantaloupe, it may lead to health troubles.

If you want to serve your guinea pig with a diet rich in vitamins and fiber but having low sugar content, then vegetables would be a better choice.

Always remember that seeds of cantaloupe and other fruits may be hazardous for guinea pigs, so be careful while serving these as a snack.


Tim Rhodes
Tim Rhodes

Hi there! My name is Tim Rhodes and I'm a guinea pig enthusiast through thick and thin. My mission is to teach others useful tips and tricks about these cute creatures. When I'm not writing, I enjoy kickboxing and work as an animal trainer.

Hey there! 👋

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