Can guinea pigs eat bean sprouts?
Are bean sprouts safe and beneficial for these pocket-sized gentle pets, full of love for their owners?
Let’s see whether your guinea pig can eat green sprouts safely, how often, and learn more about the nutritional value of this plant.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Bean Sprouts?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat bean sprouts.
A guinea pig’s diet consists of hay, fresh grass (when available), guinea pig pellets fortified with vitamin C, and raw and fresh fruits and vegetables.
Although plenty of fruits and vegetables are safe for your guinea pig pets, there are those that humans can eat but can be toxic to guinea pigs.
For that reason, as a guinea pig owner, you should know exactly which types of fruits and vegetables are safe for your guinea pigs.
Also, in case you are a beginner in raring these rodents, you can check out the information on how to rare them.
Anyway, now you know that guinea pigs eat bean sprouts, so let’s dive into the topic in depth.
What Do Guinea Pigs Eat?
A guinea pig’s natural diet is grass since they are herbivorous.
Timothy hay is the preferred basic diet to feed your pets.
Vegetables like broccoli, lettuce, kale, carrots, carrot tops, green and red leaf lettuce, cauliflower, and endive can be a part of your guinea pig’s daily diet.
Before feeding your guinea pig, wash all produce thoroughly to remove any traces of harmful pesticides and make sure that the vegetables are not cold.
Limit the intake of fruits, since most fruits have a high sugar content that can be dangerous to your guinea pig’s health.
Fruits high in vitamin C such as kiwi and small amounts of orange or high fiber fruits such as apples are ideal for them.
Also, remember to wash the fruits thoroughly and not to serve them cold.
Provide your pet with clean water and make sure that it’s always readily available in the habitat/hut.
Make sure to change the water frequently.
As already mentioned, be careful about the types of fruits and vegetables you are feeding to your guinea pigs, as some foods can be poisonous, another high in fats and sugar while others have no nutritional value.
Such foods include onions, avocados, nuts, potatoes, seeds, cabbage, meat, and many more.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Bean Sprouts?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat bean sprouts.
Bean sprouts are vegetables that are mostly obtained from the germination of beans.
They are easy to grow, healthy, and tasty.
Bean sprouts are very common in Asian regions.
Beans sprouts are an excellent supplement to your guinea pig’s diet since they are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Some guinea pigs like the taste of bean sprouts while others don’t.
The sprouts do look like vegetable noodles which can be appealing to a guinea pig but the specific smell and taste can be unpleasant to them causing some of them to avoid this healthy snack.
Even though they may not be considered as the main food for guinea pigs they do have health benefits.
Do Bean Sprouts Have Nutritional Benefits for Guinea Pigs?
Yes, bean sprouts have various nutritional benefits.
Guinea pigs have an inability to synthesis vitamins within turn exposes them to the increased risk of developing Vitamin C deficiency.
They also can not store the vitamins in their body so it was necessary for them to have adequate consumption of foods rich in vitamin C.
Beans sprouts are rich in vitamin C.
With enough vitamin C in their bodies, guinea pigs won’t develop scurvy.
Some of the symptoms include; fatigue, stiff joints, rough coat, eye or nose discharge, and fatigue.
So if your guinea pig shows any of these symptoms it could be a sign of scurvy.
Bean sprouts are also rich in fiber which helps improve digestion.
Vitamin C also helps in boosting the immune system and prevents a guinea pig from getting sick.
They are also good for eyesight and preventing heart problems.
This way your pet can grow bigger, stronger, and assured of good health.
Bean sprouts also prevent kidney and bladder stones.
Some of the minerals in the sprouts prevent calcium build-up because too much of it can cause kidney and bladder stones.
They also contain proteins and carbs.
These nutrients give your pet much energy for a whole day of playtime.
Bean sprouts do not contain fats and so the blood vessels and cardiovascular system should remain healthy.
Last but not least they do contain also Vitamin K.
The stem part is the one that contains Vitamin K and also manganese.
Even though beans sprouts have all these benefits they do have some side effects which we’ll discuss later on.
How Many Bean Sprouts Can Guinea Pigs Eat?
Even though bean sprouts contain a good amount of minerals and vitamins it’s not advisable to make it a full meal.
You can preferably add it as a supplement to the main diet.
Give it in small amounts probably once or twice a week.
A good serving amount can be a handful or less.
For a serving of 100 g of bean sprouts, there is:
- 31 calories in total
- 2 g protein (gives energy to guinea pigs)
- 2 g fat (low fats ensure a healthy cardiovascular system)
- 2 g curb (gives guinea pigs strength and energy)
- 5% iron
- 4% vitamin B
- 5% potassium
- 4% magnesium (healthy bones)
- 8 g fiber (helps in digestion)
- 22% vitamin C (prevents scurvy and faster healing)
- 44% vitamin K (healthy bones and development)
- 16% folate (promotes healthy division of cells)
- 10% manganese (reduces the risk of illness)
- 9% copper(good for blood cells and immunity)
- 4% niacin (lowers cholesterol)
As seen, there are plenty of nutrients in 100 grams of bean sprouts.
You can give your cavy bean sprouts once or twice a week.
Feed them in moderation since it is a must for you to control the amount and avoid overfeeding them which could lead to obesity.
Are Guinea Pigs Allergic to Bean Sprouts?
No, guinea pigs are not allergic to bean sprouts.
However, not all guinea pigs eat bean sprouts.
Some guinea pigs dislike this vegetable because of its specific taste and aroma.
If you’re introducing this diet to a guinea pig, you are advised to introduce it slowly.
Make sure the sprouts don’t smell.
Also, give it to the cavy as plain food because it’s more likely that the guinea pig will eat it.
When you are just introducing this vegetable to your pet, make sure to give it separately from the usual daily mixture of fruits and vegetables.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cooked Bean Sprouts?
Guinea pigs are not able to eat cooked food so they should be fed raw.
Most people who don’t know much about these rodents assume that they can feed them cooked food.
Well, it’s wrong and inconvenient.
Whether it’s any kind of food they like or adore you are not supposed to feed them any type of processed food.
Cooked food can’t be digested by guinea pigs; they upset the stomach and might also lead to diarrhea.
Raw bean sprouts contain a good amount of Vitamin C and Vitamin K which is very important to your guinea pig’s health.
Plus we should also remember that when food is cooked Vitamin C deteriorates and this is what is needed most.
So we should prevent feeding our pets cooked food.
For humans, before you eat bean sprouts, make sure they are well cooked.
Especially people with low immune systems, children, and expectant women.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Bean Sprouts?
Yes, they can eat frozen bean sprouts.
You are advised that once you remove the bean sprouts from the fridge make sure you let them come to room temperature.
Don’t feed it to the cavy before it cools as this will cause stomach upsets, bloating, and diarrhea.
You can make it easy to cool it down by running it through water that is of room temperature.
This way you will be cleaning them and also at the same time bringing them to the right temperature.
How to Feed Guinea Pigs Bean Sprouts?
It’s very easy and simple to feed bean sprouts to your guinea pig.
There are ways you can follow step by step to feed them.
You will need first to pick out the good bean sprouts.
Pick ones that look fresh and have their original color.
Thoroughly wash them to remove any dirt and toxins that can harm the cavy and cause health problems.
After cleaning you can serve the fresh bean sprouts to your cavy.
You can choose to supplement it with other vegetables or fruits that are ideal for the guinea pig.
This way you can give your cavy a balanced diet.
When it is done eating remember to take away the remains as they can bring about bacterial problems to the guinea pig.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Beans?
Guinea pigs can eat beans, particularly the green bean seeds.
However, they should be served while still young and immature pods.
This way it can be safe and easy for the guinea pigs to eat.
Green beans are rich in Vitamin C, fiber, and other essential nutrients just like bean sprouts.
They also contain minerals and nutrients that are great in maintaining a healthy heart.
Just like bean sprouts not all guinea pigs eat green beans.
They are usually picky eaters and some of them might refuse to eat the diet.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Other Types of Sprouts?
Yes, guinea pigs can not only eat bean sprouts but also other types of sprouts.
Sprouting as discussed in this article earlier is simply germinating seeds.
Not all seeds are recommended though, as some of them can be poisonous for the guinea pigs.
While a few others are very healthy and highly nutritious.
In case your piggy doesn’t want bean sprouts you are free to explore and try out other sprouts.
But make sure if you are introducing a new diet do it gradually.
This way your guinea pigs’ digestive system will have time to adjust and prevent them from getting sick.
It’s important to introduce guinea pigs to new foods at an early age because they may not accept new foods later on in their life.
Even when serving other types of sprouts always make sure you do it in moderation.
Guinea pigs have a susceptible digestive system.
Overfeeding can cause digestive problems.
Excess consumption of these vegetables could lead to severe health issues like diarrhea and urinary problems.
How To Grow Bean Sprouts or Where To Get Them?
Bean sprouts can be found locally in a store or grocery shop near you.
Though beans sprouts from the store are usually canned and contain added preservatives which when fed to your pet can be harmful to their health.
It is advisable to get fresh bean sprouts from the grocery store or you can decide to grow them in your own home.
In case you are wondering how can you grow these vegetables in your own home here are some tips you can follow;
- You will need beans, water, 3 plastic containers of the same size that fit into each other with one having holes at the bottom
- Make holes in the bottom of one of your plastic containers. You’ll use this over and over again whenever you make sprouts
- Put some beans into the container with holes. Make sure the beans are of the right amount not more than half of the container. Put 3 spoons at most. Place your perforated container into one of the other similar containers and fill it with water. Leave it to soak overnight
- After soaking, drain and rinse them. Remove water from the bottom container and put the perforated dish back into it. Place the other container on top of the beans so it’s covering them up and touching them. Weigh the top container down with something heavy. Either fill it with water or set a heavy object on it
- Rinse and keep draining the beans every 12 hours. Make sure you are careful when rinsing and draining them. Do not disturb the beans. This will help them grow longer roots
- Once they have grown and reached the size of your liking rinse them one final time and they are ready to serve your pets
How to Make Sure That Bean Sprouts Are Good for a Guinea Pig?
Sometimes bean sprouts grown at home may contain bacteria and germs such as Ecoli and Salmonella.
These germs and bacteria may be harmful to your cavy and cause severe health problems.
You can prevent this by ensuring the following;
Make sure your sprouting container is properly clean.
You can boil the container in hot water or just wash it with soap and water to remove any bacteria.
Do not use tap water, as it may bring or carry contaminants instead use bottled or filtered water.
Once your beans have sprouted clear any standing water.
Bacteria do thrive in humid places and standing water may bring bacteria.
Since you are feeding these bean sprouts to your pet raw, it is advisable to rinse and wash the sprouts as often as possible.
When storing the sprouts make sure you keep them in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
This way you can prevent bacteria from reproducing and multiplying on your sprouts.
After the last wash doesn’t put the sprouts directly into the fridge and wait for at least 10 hours before putting them.
This way the sprouts can have some time to dry and can stay fresh for long once refrigerated.
Do not let the sprouts sit in the fridge for long.
Make sure they are fed within seven days.
These guidelines will give assurance that what you feed your pet bean sprouts that are homegrown won’t bring any harm to guinea pigs.
Remember Guinea pigs are very delicate creatures.
This means they require utmost attention and care.
If not well taken off they can fall sick or develop complications or even worse, die.
What Are the Risks of Feeding Guinea Pigs Too Many Bean Sprouts?
As much as bean sprouts provide various nutrients and minerals to the cavy, it also has some risks if given in uncontrollable quantities.
Since we have already discussed the health benefits we can also look at the risks.
Too much bean sprout causes indigestion.
It may bring an imbalance in the digestive system which in turn causes bloating and also a feeling of discomfort to the cavy.
Also, it may lead to kidney and bladder stones.
Another risk caused by too many bean sprouts is a urinary infection.
The phosphorus and the calcium found in bean sprouts are linked to this.
Lots of calcium and phosphorus are responsible for kidney and bladder stones in guinea pigs.
These minerals can also inhibit the absorption of magnesium leading to magnesium deficiency in guinea pigs.
Bacteria and germs may also affect guinea pigs since bean sprouts are mostly grown in conditions where bacteria and germs do thrive.
It is therefore advised to clean these vegetables before giving them to your pet.
Foodborne illness is also a possible risk.
Guinea pigs are prone to carrying or giving some diseases that can be transmitted to humans too.
Lightly cooked or fresh raw produce can carry some foodborne diseases including bean sprouts.
Bean sprouts are only healthy to feed when they are fresh.
If they are kept for long they can make your pet sick.
Final Thoughts
Beans sprouts are an ideal diet for your guinea pig.
The question ‘’Can guinea pigs eat beans sprouts’’ has been answered.
They provide a good amount of vitamins and minerals which is key in the well-being of the cavy.
Beans sprouts should be feed in small amounts, as a supplement to the main diet, to avoid complications
Moderating this meal is the only way your pet can grow strong and healthy.